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“Friends don’t let friends
retire broke”


About us

We are dedicated to showcasing the amazing opportunities and experiences that retiring young has to offer. From traveling the world to discovering new hobbies, our page is a source of inspiration for those who want to make the most of their life.

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Retired young social

Retiring young is a common goal for most of us. To achieve this, a a social networking event for businessmen and women, as well as entrepreneurs, can offer some great opportunities to learn, grow, and collaborate. The event can bring together a diverse group of professionals who can share business ideas, experiences, and solutions to common problems. Additionally, the social event can help attendees to make valuable contacts and build relationships with like-minded individuals, which can provide future opportunities for collaboration and growth. The event can include keynote speeches, panel discussions, breakout sessions, and even a trade show, to give attendees a wide range of learning and networking opportunities. By participating in this type of event, attendees can gain valuable insights into what it takes to build and grow a successful business, as well as build a supportive network of fellow professionals who can help them achieve their goals.

Daily Visitors
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Our vision

Our vision

Retired Young is a networking group for individuals who are looking to retire young and are looking to connect with like-minded individuals who share their passions and interests.

launch party
September 21st
September 21st
September 21st

Event Conference Organisation

List of Planned Events Thay Are Expected

8:00 Am – 9:00 AM

Opening Ceremony

Introduce the Event

We are delighted to welcome you all to our upcoming event, and specifically to the opening ceremony that we are celebrating today. This event is a unique opportunity for us to meet and learn from the experts, visionaries, and innovators in our field.

Jesus Holland

Host & Speaker

10:00 Am – 10:30 AM

Break and Coffee

Tea and Coffee Break

We hope you are enjoying the event so far and finding it informative and engaging. As we proceed further into the event, we would like to take a quick break for tea and coffee.

Ricky Malone


9:00 Am – 10:00 AM

Greetings Event

Greetings and Opening Event

It gives us immense pleasure to welcome you all to the Greetings and Opening Event of our upcoming gathering. We are honored to have each and every one of you here with us today to celebrate this special occasion.

Ricky Malone



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